Humidifiers & De-Humidifiers

What is a Humidifier & De-Humifier?

The measurement of water in the surrounding environment is called ‘humidity’ and you’ve probably heard this term be used if watching the nightly weather forecast or reviewing anything related to environmental characteristics. In some instances, there is too much water in the corresponding  environment (or in the air) and in other instances there may be too little water in the local environment.

Depending on the situation, this could have challenges that could impact the operation of certain systems or infrastructure, or adversely affect the behaviour of sensitive appliances within the environment. Where more water is needed in the air, we would consider the use of a humidifier – It has a local water tank on board and as air is drawn into the unit, water is injected into the output at a pre-deterined level so that the right amount of water can be added.

If there is too much water in the air, the we’d look at using a de-humidifer to remove that moisture from the air. This unit essentially draws in moist air, cools and then reheats the air to remove the moisture and then pumps the dry heat back into the local environment. The extracted water is then either collected in a water tray to be dispensed of later or pumped directly to a waste hose, where it is either disposed of via waste or used to water gardens etc (ie. Grey Water).

The method in which extracted water is disposed of depends on the system, with larger commercial de-humidifiers usually opting for a direct waste hose for extraction.

When & Where To Use Each Unit?

With each unit undertaking two very specific tasks, how do you know when and/or where to each one? The team at O’Connells are experts on the use of humidifiers and de-humidifiers, however to provide a brief overview of the when & where for each, please consult the quick guide below:

  • Humidifier: In residential cases, experts recommend that humidifiers are used when the air is particularly dry or when you are sleeping. In commercial environments, it is recommended that humidifiers are used in health care environments and certain manufacturing & industrial environments. Please note that if you plan on using a humidifer, they must be serviced regularly as they can become harmful over time. O’Connells are more than capabile of servicing a humidifier so talk to them about a long term service plan if you’re in the market for one.
  • De-Humidifier: De-humifiers are most suited to use in environments where the moisture in the air needs to be as low as possible. ICT Data Centes are a key consideration for the use of a de-humidifier as all the electronic gear needs to be shielded from moisture exposure. Construction areas and industrial climatic chambers are also areas where de-humidifier use is warranted. From a residemtial perspective, they may be used in cases of floods or leaks, or naturually moist areas.

Contact the team at O’Connells today to discuss options, models and configurations for your environmental and operational needs.